The area of solutions of linear difference Hukuhara equations

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I. V. Atamas’


In this paper we study the question of area calculation for solutions to linear difference Hukuhara equations H n n X AX  . We introduce here auxiliary sequences , , k k n n n  S X A X k        . Then we can write a comparison system in abstract form       n n  1 with initial conditions   0 2 n n      , where operator :l l    is given by   1 1, 1 k k k    k       ,  0 1    2 . Examining a comparison system, we get a main result: we obtain the exact formula for area S X X  n n ,  for solutions to linear difference Hukuhara equations:             2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 ! 1 , 2 ! , 2 , .

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Materials Physics


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