Investigation the composition of the liquids by mass spectrometer MX- 7304A

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Ya. D. Korol
N. V. Storozhuk


This paper describes the original vacuum-thermal system with electronic control for sample preparation, which allows to investigate the composition of the liquid by the mass spectrometric method using a standard monopoly instrument MX-7304A. The construction of the mass spectrometer includes the ionization by gas electron impact, which enters through a mechanical dosing valve.
This fact restricts scope of application the instrument by gaseous samples. For investigation of condensed sample on MX-7304A there was constructed the system, which consists of a vacuum, thermal, measurement and control systems. In the paper there has been described in details the work of our new console. The displacement volume (with the investigated sample) is pumped to vacuum 10-1 mmHg, then it cut from the vacuum line by valve and then it heated by electric spiral through thermal fluid. During this process the vapor pressure over the sample is increasing and the pressure value is measuring by special sensor. In the case of achievement of the given value there works the electronic comparator and the scheme changs it regime to the proportionate regulation regime for maintenance of temperature of a sample and pressure of its vapors about 100 mmHg. Through the dosing valve lets off steams and get a mass spectrum of the sample by a standard for computerized MX-7304A procedure.
Dosing valve and spectrometer are heated up to a temperature of 100°C by arranged heaters. It is necessary to avoid the deposition of sample materials on the walls.
The results of the study of organic matter are showed in this paper. The resulting system is successfully used in the chemical specialties student’s laboratory practicum at the Educational center of physical and chemistry developments in the ChNU.

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Materials Physics


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