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M. B. Pinkovska
D. P. Stratilat
V. P. Tartachnyk
M. E Chumak


Phosphido-gallium homojunction a light-emitting diode (LEDs) grown by the epitaxial method on a single-crystal GaP substrate obtained from a crystal grown by the Czochralsky method were investigated; n- region doped with Te and N; p – region – Zn. In the electroluminescence spectrum at 77 ̊K, exciton lines bound on the isoelectronic impurity N and on pairs of neighboring NN1 atoms with phonon repetitions were detected; their temperature stability and dependence on the value of the injection current were investigated. The temperature stability and activity energy of both bands were determined. Evaluations of the damage coefficient of the life time of non-main current carriers have been carried out. Possible variants of the formation mechanisms of the region of negative differential resistance (NDR) on the current- voltage characteristics (CVC) of the studied samples were analyzed. It is suggested that intervalley transfer of carriers and the accompanying injection-recombination mechanism of current enhancement can be considered the most probable causes of the occurrence of NDR in GaP diodes.

The purpose of our work is to clarify the nature of the spectral regularities characteristic of homotransition GaP LEDs, to determine the radiation resistance constants, as well as to establish a possible mechanism for the occurrence of a region of negative differential conductivity on the CVC of GaP LEDs.

It was established that the luminescence spectrum of the investigated GaP(N) LEDs at 77 ̊K consists of two bands λmax1=546 nm and λmax2=575 nm; the activation energy of each is Ea1=37 meV and Ea2=26 meV, respectively. The nature of the radiation of both corresponds to the recombination of the bound exciton on the isoelectronic impurity N. The increase in the injection current is accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the glow, and the intensity of the band caused by the recombination of the exciton on the isolated N atom increases within the entire measurement temperature interval of 77÷300 ̊K; the intensity of the band associated with exciton recombination on NN1 pairs increases only up to a temperature of 190 ̊K, after which it begins to decrease.

It was found that in the GaP LED in the region of low temperatures of 90÷77 ̊K on the CVC curve, a section of the NDR occurs. Its occurrence can be caused by the joint effect of two mechanisms - intervalley scattering of current carriers and a sharp increase in the electrical conductivity of the diode base due to the action of the light flux, which creates conditions for the formation of an inverse positive current connection.

Article Details

Materials Physics
Author Biographies

M. B. Pinkovska, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine

Senior Researcher at the Department of Radiation Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

D. P. Stratilat, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine

Postgraduate student, Lead Engineer in the Reactor control group at nuclear research reactor, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

V. P. Tartachnyk, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Department of Radiation Physics, Institute for Nuclear Research, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

M. E Chumak, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences , Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Programming of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Physics, Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Kyiv, Ukraine


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