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A. M. Gusak
V. M. Pasichna


Competitive nucleation of an intermediate phase in a sharp concentration gradient proceeds usually at the initial stages of the solid-state reaction between materials. Theory of nucleation at such conditions has almost 40 years of history briefly reviewed and discussed in the present paper. This theoretical treatment is based on two basic ideas: (1) kinetic suppression of the emerging embryos/nuclei by the fast-growing neighboring phases, (2) thermodynamic suppression of nucleation by sharp concentration gradients. Here some new theoretical and simulation results in this field are presented, as well as their experimental verifications.

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Materials Physics
Author Biographies

A. M. Gusak, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics, Department of Physics of Educational-Scientific Institute of Informational and Eduational Technologies

V. M. Pasichna, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Master student of physics


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