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А. М. Gusak
Ya. І. Huriev
D. S. Gertsricken


The application of Martin's ideas about ballistic elementary events (jumping inside  a crystal or atoms detachment from a crystal) to decomposition, to limited solubility, as well as to the  growth of strongly anisotropic structures in strongly nonequilibrium systems under the influence of  intense external factors is considered. The essence of these ideas is that external influences on the  system force atoms to make jumps and exchange places in the sites of the crystal lattice. The frequency  of  such  "ballistic"  jumps  (as  the  antithesis  to  "thermal"  jumps  that  are  associated  with  thermal  fluctuations at a given temperature) doesn`t depend on temperature, but depends on the intensity of  external action (say, the radiation flux density and energy of particles). These ideas had been first  introduced for irradiated systems, but later applied to ball milling, to severe plastic deformation, of  course,  taking  into  account  the  grinding  of  grains. In  this  paper, we  consider  the  application  of  Martin's ideas to two phenomena: 

(1) nucleation, growth and ripening of nanofibers and nanobands of metal oxides in aqueous  solutions under the action of intensive stirring, 

(2) formation- of solid solutions and intermediate phases of metals in the contact zone by pulsed  action. 

The time evolution of an ensemble of three-dimensional parallelepipeds is being considered in  the first part of the present article. For this purpose, we derived a system of differential equations for  the rate of change of each size, taking into account the balance of attachment and detachment fluxes.  Based on the solutions of these equations, the asymptotic values of the growth rates of average sizes  can be predicted. Graphs of dependences of average sizes on time for different intensities of mixing  for a symmetric case are presented.  

The  application  of  the  idea  of  ballistic  jumps  to  phase  formation  with  impulse  action  on  diffusion pairs is being briefly considered in the second part. The influence of external action on the  solubility of components for the simplest (mathematically) case is analyzed.

Article Details

Materials Physics
Author Biographies

А. М. Gusak

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Mathematical Physics, Department of Physics of Educational-Scientific Institute of Informational and Eduational Technologies, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

Ya. І. Huriev

Undergraduate student of physics, Department of Physics of Educational-Scientific
Institute of Informational and Eduational Technologies The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine

D. S. Gertsricken

Senior researcher, G. V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the N.A.S. of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


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