The influence of friction surface machining technology SMAT on properties of electrodeposited copper layers
This paper describes an experimental setup for SMAT treatment of surfaces of polycrystalline and electrodeposited copper. The impact of the SMAT treatment on the surface condition of the cold-rolled copper plates and electrodeposited Cu films was demonstrated by the micro hardness measurements. The XRD measurements of the elaborated surfaces was also performed.
Diffraction patterns of the initial cold-rolled copper and the same copper plate processed by SMAT were compared with diffraction patterns of the annealed copper powder. It was shown that the axial <220> texture, which is characteristic for the the surface layer of the rolled copper disappears after SMAT-processing and diffraction pattern becomes similar to the diffraction pattern of the polycrystalline copper.
The same phenomena was observed for the SMAT-processed electroplated copper layers with a thickness of 70 μm. It was found that electroplated copper layer consists of microcrystals with principal (220) orientation of the atomic planes parallel to the sample surface. This axial texture dissapears after SMAT-processing and electroplated surface layer demonstrates properties of polycristalline copper.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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